Busting Myths about Root Canal

Busting Myths about Root Canal

What is Root Canal

A root canal, also known as endodontic treatment, is conducted on an infected tooth by root canal specialists. The root canal involves removing the damaged or infected pulp from the hollow center of a tooth, cleaning it, shaping it, and filling it with dental material. This procedure is usually performed when a cavity has spread to the tooth’s inner pulp or when a tooth has become severely infected. 

Though root canal procedures have a reputation for pain, modern technology has made them relatively painless. Root canals are an excellent option for those experiencing dental pain and discomfort, as `they can help prevent the need for tooth extraction and preserve natural teeth.

Debunking Root Canal Myths
Debunking Root Canal Myths – Separating Fact from Fiction

The term “root canal” evokes fear and anxiety in people’s minds, thanks to the many myths and misconceptions around it. Root canals are a known dental procedure to help save a damaged or infected tooth. 

Unfortunately, these common myths prevent people from seeking the treatment they need, leading to untreated dental issues that escalate into serious dental problems. 

In this article, we will debunk some of the most common root canal myths and provide facts so that you can make informed decisions about your dental health.

Myth 1 – Root Canals Are Painful

 There’s a widely believed myth that root canals are painful, but the truth is quite different. Root canal treatment is a safe, comfortable, and effective way to treat dental infections and relieve pain. A root canal is no more painful than getting a routine filling. 

Most patients feel little or no pain during the procedure, thanks to modern anesthesia techniques. It’s important to note that the discomfort people associate with root canal treatment is often caused by the infection itself, not the procedure. That’s why seeking treatment from skilled root canal specialists who can diagnose the infection and provide timely, effective treatment is essential. 

So if you’re experiencing dental pain, don’t let fear keep you from seeking the care you need. A root canal may be just what you need to feel comfortable and healthy again.

Myth 2 – Root Canals Cause Illness

   A persistent myth has been making the rounds for over a century now, and it has caused many to avoid getting a dental root canal out of fear. It is a common misconception that dental root canal treatment can cause illnesses such as cancer. This myth has existed since the early 20th century but has been long-disproven by scientific research. 

Today, root canal specialists use modern techniques and advanced sterilization methods to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the procedure. Root canal procedure saves millions of teeth each year. 

If you are experiencing dental pain, don’t let the fear of this myth stop you from seeking the help of a dental professional. Root canal treatment is a reliable and necessary dental procedure that can improve your overall oral health.

Myth 3 – Tooth Extraction Is A Better Option Than A Root Canal

   The common myth is that tooth extraction is better than a root canal. However, this is a misconception. While tooth extraction may seem easier and more cost-effective, preserving your natural tooth with a root canal has a much better outcome for your dental health in the long run. 

An extracted tooth can lead to various dental issues, such as gum infection, a misaligned bite, and further dental decay. Contrary to another myth, root canal treatment is not dangerous to your health. Root canal specialists are highly trained and use advanced technologies to ensure the treatment is safe and pain-free. 

Additionally, a dental implant or bridge, often used to replace an extracted tooth, is more expensive than a root canal and takes more time to restore the missing tooth to full functionality. Therefore, it’s best to consult your dentist to determine if a root canal is the right option.

Myth 4 – A Root Canal Procedure Takes Multiple Appointments

Root canals often have a poor reputation for various reasons, one being the perceived length of the procedure. Although some exceptions exist, root canals can usually be completed in just one visit. 

In certain cases, based on the tooth position and size, an additional visit may be needed to guarantee that all canals are completely cleaned, shaped, and filled with gutta-percha. If the infected tissue takes several weeks to heal, a temporary filling may be necessary until the permanent filling is placed. 

Following your root canal specialist’s plan for post-treatment care and recovery time will provide you with the best outcome for saving your tooth. It’s important to note that many myths surround root canal treatments causing illness, but this is far from the truth.  Proper care and attention can complete a root canal in a single appointment, leaving you with a healthy, pain-free tooth.

Myth 5 – Root Canals Only Work in Adults

   Root canal treatment is typically associated with adult teeth, but did you know that children’s teeth can also benefit from this procedure? Although children’s teeth are still developing and less prone to decay, there are cases where a child may have a severely damaged or infected tooth that could benefit from pulpotomy or “baby root canal” treatment.

Root canal specialists are trained to perform this procedure on children instead of needing to extract it. Although some people worry about root canal recovery time and believe that the treatment can cause illness, advancements in technology and techniques have made it a safe and effective option for adults and children. Speaking with a dental professional is important to determine if your child could benefit from this treatment.

Myth 6 – Root canals are only for damaged teeth

   Root canals are not just for teeth that are already damaged or infected. They can also be used as a preventive measure to safeguard teeth at risk for future problems. If your dentist identifies such a tooth, they may suggest a root canal to remove any potential infection or decay and to ensure the tooth’s long-term health. 

While the thought of root canal treatment may be intimidating or uncomfortable, it’s important to remember that specialists are available to make the experience as seamless and comfortable as possible. Contrary to popular belief, root canal treatment does not cause illness and is a safe and effective way to maintain dental health. 

The recovery time after a root canal is often minimal, and most patients return to normal routines within a few days. So if your dentist recommends a root canal, don’t hesitate to ask questions and discuss available options. It may just be the right choice for preserving your dental health.

Myth 7 – Prevention is not possible

   Some people believe that dental problems are inevitable and nothing can be done to prevent them. However, this is far from the truth. Taking care of your teeth and gums can help decrease the risk of needing a dental root canal or other invasive procedures. Regular dental check-ups, proper dental hygiene, and a healthy lifestyle are all key factors in preventing tooth decay, infection, and other dental issues. 

While some may argue that root canal treatment causes illness, it’s important to note that this is not the case. Root canal specialists are highly trained professionals who can effectively treat dental problems while minimizing discomfort and risk. So, don’t be fooled by this myth – prevention is possible and can make a real difference in promoting long-term dental health.


Root canal treatment can be greatly beneficial for preserving your teeth and oral health. Do not hesitate to schedule an appointment with your dentist if you suspect the signs of an issue or infection, as catching dental issues early on will save you from a more uncomfortable, expensive, and time-consuming treatment in the long term. 

Proper preventive care, such as brushing your teeth twice daily and flossing regularly, can also significantly strengthen your teeth and deter further dental issues. Thank you for learning more about root canal treatments – knowing about common dental procedures can help you choose the right course for maintaining strong and healthy teeth!