Brushing or Flossing – Which Should You Do First?

Have you ever wondered which should come first when it comes to dental hygiene, brushing, or flossing? The answer is not as simple as you might think. Both are important for maintaining a healthy mouth and preventing gum disease and other dental problems. But the order in which you do them can make a big difference in your oral health. Let’s look at whether you should floss before or after brushing, why brushing and flossing should be done in a specific order, and the benefits of doing so in the realm of general dentistry.

Should I Floss or Brush First?

It’s a timeless inquiry that plagues us all: floss first or brush first. Undoubtedly, flossing should be at the top of your list when it comes to dental hygiene. Flossing removes plaque and food particles from the hard-to-reach areas located between your teeth and beneath the gum line. This helps to protect against gum disease and various oral health issues in the future.

For those who have difficulty flossing their pearly whites, there are many ancillary tools on the market to aid in flossing.  These could include water flossers, interdental brushes, and one-handed prepackaged dental flossers.  We suggest it is always best to floss before you brush for maximum dental cleanliness – as this removes and loosens the plaque and tartar stuck between the teeth and under the gum line first allowing the brushing and rinsing to remove the dislodged plaque and food.  Remember to take good care of your teeth for lasting oral health!

What are the Benefits of Flossing?

Flossing removes plaque from teeth

Flossing is truly an indulgence for those wishing to maintain a lovely smile! Using floss before or after brushing can help prevent plaque. After all, plaque is an unwelcome group of bacteria that seek to wreak havoc on your glowing pearly whites. Bear this in mind as flossing can become part of a luxurious beauty routine that guarantees sparkling teeth, free from cavities and gum disease — a treasure beyond worth!

Flossing helps to prevent bad breath

Flossing is one of the most important steps to freshen your breath and ensure your mouth remains in good health. Brushing alone isn’t enough; flossing helps remove plaque buildup, which is often the cause of bad breath or halitosis. 

According to dentists, using floss before or after brushing helps fight the growth of bacteria that produce foul-smelling compounds linked to poor oral hygiene. The act of flossing truly adds a layer of opulence and stateliness to any dental care routine, giving a sense of superiority over other non-flossers. When flossed regularly and properly, you can be sure that besides having an immaculate set of teeth and gums, you will always have a fragrant breath!

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Flossing aids in the prevention of gum disease

Flossing your teeth is key in the fight against gum disease. Brushing alone only cleans about two-thirds of the surfaces of your teeth, but flossing completes the job, getting into all those hard-to-reach places and removing plaque from between your teeth and around the gum line. 

But it’s not just about flossing more – flossing properly makes a huge difference, too; for best results, you want to floss before you brush; that way, you’re flushing out the plaque with every stroke of floss and then brushing away any remaining debris. The combination of proper flossing habits and regular brushing is a recipe for happy gums, healthy oral hygiene, and a dazzling smile free of infection or tooth loss.

Flossing can help to prevent cavities

Cavities are truly the Achilles heel of an otherwise perfect smile. The breakdown of tooth enamel often causes these tiny holes in our teeth – brought on by poor flossing habits. When one refrains from flossing, plaque accumulates and multiplies between teeth, creating an environment in which cavities can easily begin forming. 

By flossing first once a day (or even twice!), you can save your teeth from the gruesome fate of being filled with uncomfortable filings that ultimately lead to a less-than-lavish smile. Floss first or brush first – no matter which one you choose, simply adding this crucial oral hygiene habit to your routine might just mean the difference between bright pearly whites and painful cavities!

What’s the Best Type of Floss for Me?

When it comes to flossing, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. What floss is the best for you largely depends on factors such as your particular oral hygiene needs, flossing technique, and preference in floss type? 

Generally, floss types are divided into three categories: waxed floss, un-waxed floss, and dental tape. Of these, waxed floss tends to be stronger and better suited for those with widely spaced teeth than un-waxed floss, which is thinner and slides more easily between tight spaces. 

While there isn’t a definitive answer as to which type should come first when undertaking your oral hygiene routine – brush or floss – what is important is that you floss at least once a day to promote healthy gums and prevent tooth decay.

Practice a Complete Oral Care Routine

Nothing is as luxurious, fulfilling, and ultimately satisfying as a complete oral care routine. When flossing or brushing your teeth, remember that flossing first actually helps clean trapped food particles and bacteria that otherwise would be left behind after brushing. 

This means an even brighter, more lavish smile! So floss away to remove the remaining plaque and food particles stuck in between your teeth; once you’re done flossing, finish off with a toothbrush to remove any lingering plaque or stubborn food particles. With an effective floss-then-brush routine in tow, why wait to show off that beautiful smile?


When it comes to dental hygiene, brushing and flossing are essential components of a healthy routine—but the order in which you do them matters! While some dentists recommend brushing before flossing for maximum effectiveness, others recommend doing it in reverse because it allows for better removal of food particles and plaque buildup between your teeth. Either way, remember to keep up with regular brushing and flossing daily! For celebrities who want luxury dentistry experiences, start with either brush or floss as part of their daily routine!

Elevate Your Smile with Luxury Dentistry NYC

Experience the transformative world of cosmetic dentistry at Luxury Dentistry NYC, guided by the expertise of Dr. D. Our commitment to enhancing your smile’s beauty and health is unmatched. From teeth whitening to complete smile makeovers, we tailor each treatment to your unique desires and needs. Your journey to a stunning, confident smile begins here. Discover the difference today!

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